Navigating parenthood in a changing world: How to prepare your child for primary school and beyond

As a modern day mum, I’m no stranger to the ever-changing world we live in. From technological advancements to shifting societal norms, parenting today comes with its unique set of challenges.

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How to manage your anxiety when transitioning into a new role or career

Let’s start this post with a little bit of context. I’ve spent the last year or so trying to pivot into a new career; I’ve sought advice, done lots of research and even considered going back to studying. Earlier this year an opportunity came along to continue working in the sector I’m currently in, Public Health, but in a complete different field and department, which would also require learning new skills.

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The Collective Canary Wharf ~ Review

I didn’t manage to convince my husband to have a huge party for his 40th birthday; being the low-key, very laid back person that he is, he opted for something a lot more simple and intimate. Thankfully I had already booked a stay at The Collective, this modern adult-only co-living space which consists of several individual studios which can be rented either short-term or long-term. I came across it on and was immediately drawn to the gorgeous design of this place, a mix of modern, boho, nature and vibrant colours.

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Things we’re doing to give our children a bit more autonomy

For context, my husband and I have 3 children. Our two sons, 12 and 15 years old, and our daughter who is 5 years old. In this post I’ll explain some of the things we’ve decided to do to allow them to become a bit more autonomous, as we slowly detach ourselves from the tight grip of “micro-parenting”, as I like to call it. You know, that tendency to always be on your kids’ backs, checking everything they do, monitoring every move… We found that micro-parenting was having less of an impact as our kids started to grow, so our approach to raising them really changed over the last year or so in order to accommodate their need for independence and autonomy.

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8 Steps to help you take back control of your life

At the end of 2022 I wrote a very depressing post about the type of year I had just had. I was in a bad place that day and there was nothing anyone could have said to make me feel better – I really was just as miserable as the post sounded. I felt like my life had spiralled out of control and I quite frankly lost hope. But the moment I published the post, I knew I had to come back at the beginning of January, revisit these thoughts and force myself into a more positive outlook for the new year. So here I am, and this is what I plan on doing to regain control of my life after such a disappointing year.

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Christmas gift wrapping inspiration | A simple and sustainable approach

Christmas is approaching and I’m trying something different this year. I wanted to wrap the gifts with a more rustic, sustainable type of wrapping paper so I opted for this roll of eco-friendly brown ‘scrap’ paper. I thought it would work with my simple, low-key theme I have going on this year for Christmas.

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End of year reflections | A disappointing 12 months

My end of year reflections this year are so difficult for me to type, let alone share. I’ve had the worst year and as 2022 slowly comes to an end, all I want to do is erase the past 12 months and start on a fresh clean sheet. As much as I believe in drawing lessons from every bad situation, I could have done without “learning” anything at all this year, had I known it would cause me this much pain.

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